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It can be hard to predict what will attract or scare a sheep

Sep 08, 2023Sep 08, 2023

Feedback finds that researchers' current understanding of sheep cognition isn't up to the task when snacks and dogs are thrown into the mix

By Marc Abrahams

2 August 2023

Josie Ford

Jessica Monk, Dana Campbell and Caroline Lee, at government research agency CSIRO in Armidale, Australia, gathered knowledge about how difficult it can be to predict whether some particular thing will (a) attract a sheep or (b) scare the sheep. Details are in the journal Animal Production Science.

They performed experiments exposing sheep to a dog sitting in a window, and to the window without the dog. They tried giving the sheep drugs to reduce anxiety and giving them drugs to increase anxiety.

They tried using food as a tempting distraction when the sheep encountered something scary. Would they choose to flee the menace or stay for the snack? Alas, calibrating the interplay of food, fear and sheep proved too complex for the researchers’ current understanding of sheep cognition. Offering food as a sheep distractant, they say, should be attempted only “in future studies where appetite is not expected to be a confounding factor”.


Monk, Campbell and Lee also point to a quasi-lively 1982 experiment by Judith Franklin and G. D. Hutson at the University of Melbourne, recorded in the journal Applied Animal Ethology. Franklin and Hutson, they say, “found that the use of a taxidermy sheep as an attractant was unsuccessful as test sheep showed fear responses to the taxidermy model rather than affiliative responses”.

Politicians who screech the word “diversity” as an epithet to inflame their followers’ all-purpose anger have yet to hoot specifically about tooth diversity. Actual information, should those politicians desire to seek any, about tooth diversity is in fresh supply in a study called “Tooth diversity underpins future biomimetic replications”.

Di Wang, Shuangxia Han and Ming Yang at Jilin University in China surveyed current knowledge about teeth from many animals, including “human teeth, herbivore and carnivore teeth, shark teeth, calcite teeth in sea urchins, magnetite teeth in chitons, and transparent teeth in dragonfish”.

For anyone seeking a potentially scary-sounding term to inject into political discourse, the highlight of the paper is the word “polyphyodont”. For that limited, political usage, polyphyodont is most potent for its sound rather than its meaning. (Wang, Han and Yang do supply a definition. They explain that many vertebrates, though not most mammals, “are polyphyodont, continuously replacing worn teeth throughout the lifetime”.)

Politicians who give a hoot about what science has to offer (in addition to big scary words) might notice the stated purpose of this tooth diversity study. The authors say they hope to “stimulate further efforts in the synthesis of tooth-inspired materials”. Their paper includes photos of “A claw-like device inspired by sea urchin teeth”. Those photos are reprinted from a paper co-authored in 2016 by Steven Naleway, who five years later was awarded an Ig Nobel peace prize for a rather different research project.

Naleway’s Ig Nobel prize-winning work produced knowledge of value to people whose followers are filled with all-purpose anger. Naleway, together with colleagues Ethan Beseris and David Carrier, tested the hypothesis that humans evolved beards to protect against punches to the face.

One way to give children a healthy fascination with science is to teach them some technical word that – they can hope – will disgust adults.

“Crepitus” is a fine word to feed to kids for this educational purpose. “Crepitation” is an equally good word that means the same thing: any grinding, scraping, creaking, cracking, clunking, grating, crunching or other sound that comes from a person’s body parts.

Crepitus (the ailment, though maybe not its name) is especially on the minds of middle-aged athletes who, alarmed they have noisy knees, seek medical advice. Is knee noise a harbinger of disaster? Will exercise make it worse?

Alexandre Kovats and his colleagues at the University of New South Wales in Australia have news for medical advisers to pass on to clickety-clack-kneed patients. After scouring much of the medical literature about knee crepitus, they quietly sound off in the Journal of Clinical Exercise Physiology. “Knee crepitus,” they write, “is unlikely to change in individuals with established [knee osteoarthritis] following exercise. Thus, Exercise Physiologists can provide reassurance to people who are concerned about their noisy joints that exercise should not exacerbate symptoms.”

Claire Haresnape Tyson

Claire Haresnape Tyson adds a seasonal, colourful detection skill to Feedback’s growing catalogue of trivial superpowers. She says: “My super power is the ability to find four leaf clovers. I will find them regularly during the spring and summer. I have shared this super power with my husband. Friends regularly lament that they never find one.” Claire sent a photo (above) documenting one of her discoveries.

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